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The Life Cycle of Performance Management

Summer is nearly here, and there’s a possibility that during it many people will be teaching someone to swim. This can be undertaken with the help of swimming instructors in…

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Workplace Bullying: The Risk Factors

Organisational change Significant technological change; Restructuring / downsizing; Change in work method/s; Outsourcing; and Change in supervisor / manager   Negative leadership styles Autocratic leadership characterised by: Styles that are…

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Effective Interviewing: Does your hiring manager know the right questions to ask?

Effective Interviewing: Does your hiring manager know the right questions to ask? Interviews can be stressful, not only for the candidates but for your managers as well as they are…

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Productivity, job satisfaction and mitigating risk are key selling points in pitching a training session to your manager

Training can provide employees with a number of benefits both personally and professionally. Employees can sell the benefits of workplace training to their manager in a number of ways. One…

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10 tips for Preventing Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying is repeated behaviour that could reasonably be considered to be humiliating, intimidating, threatening or demeaning. It can be direct or indirect and may be inflicted by one person or…

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Father and son under face workplace consequences for allegedly offensive tweets

A father and son are experiencing workplace consequences for inappropriate use of social media, prompting discussion about the appropriate use of social media and the line between private opinions and…

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How to Keep Your Workplace Harassment-Free

Employers have a corporate and social responsibility to their employees to provide a safe working environment – specifically a workplace that’s free from harassment and discrimination. Workplace harassment is often…

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How professional workplace mediation can help you avoid costly court proceedings

Most workplaces will see an occasional dispute or disagreement arise from time to time, as a consequence of a simple misunderstanding, a personality clash, or a difference of opinion. This…

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Your Step-by-Step Guide To Performance Management

Are your efforts at performance management received with hostility or defensiveness? If you’re a manager or a supervisor you might find reviewing and managing the performance of your staff to…

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