Workplace Mediation
Workplace mediation and conflict resolution is a confidential and structured process used to help organisations resolve underlying issues and achieve positive ongoing working relationships.
If an issue occurs in your workplace, iHR Australia's workplace mediation services can help relieve tensions and provide effective solutions.
As an independent and impartial third party, we can facilitate open discussions with employees to successfully diffuse situations and ultimately resolve problems between colleagues.
When to use a Workplace Mediation
Workplace Mediation is an appropriate measure in situations where:
- Employees experiencing issues are willing or prefer for a matter to be dealt with informally, through a mediated process, rather than through a formal investigation.
- The matters do not involve serious misconduct or a breach of company policy, but rather are a result of misunderstanding, personality clashes or a difference of opinion.
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Call us for tailored advice on your workplace mediation concern.
Frequently asked questions

A Workplace Mediation is a dispute resolution technique used to assist parties to resolve issues and achieve an ongoing workable relationship. Mediation is a confidential and structured process in which an independent and impartial third party facilitates discussion between the various individuals involved. Mediation is more cost effective and a less time consuming process than formal proceedings and in many cases can resolve disputes before parties feel the need to consider litigation. The process is confidential and limited to the immediate parties involved and therefore limits involvement and disruption to the wider workgroup. Successful mediation can enhance and assist your organisation to stabilise ongoing internal and external working relationships and achieve better outcomes for parties involved.
iHR Australia has workplace mediators across the country and can conduct mediations in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Virtual Delivery is also an option where it is not possible to attend a physical location.
Workplace Mediation is an appropriate measure in situations where:
- Parties to a grievance are willing or prefer for a matter to be dealt with informally through a mediated process rather than through a formal investigation
- The matters do not involve serious misconduct or a serious breach of company policy, but rather are a result of misunderstanding, personality clashes or a difference of opinion
- The matter can be resolved realistically through mediation.
iHR Australia’s mediators are specialists in assisting parties to explore their conflict in depth, think about options, consider alternatives and decide on the best way to move forward in a controlled and safe environment. Our professional workplace mediation services are delivered by trained mediators, who have extensive experience conducting mediations within a range of organisations and industries. Parties will be asked if they would prefer for mediation to be conducted on site or at a neutral location away from the workplace. iHR Australia understands that disputes involve people who can be responding emotionally to sensitive issues. Accordingly our approach to mediation is consultative and tailored for each situation.