What are the key HR topics for 2018? Well-being and workplace culture have been at the forefront of the HR landscape for a number of years and will continue to grow in 2018. It is also expected that there will be a rise in requests for flexible working arrangements to answer increased demand for greater work-life balance as well as a being used by organisations as a method to attract and retain talent. Is your organisation prepared for these key 2018 HR issues? If you are unsure, the following insights may help you create a healthier, happier and more productive workplace. Taking well-being further According to the…

What are the key HR topics for 2018?

Well-being and workplace culture have been at the forefront of the HR landscape for a number of years and will continue to grow in 2018. It is also expected that there will be a rise in requests for flexible working arrangements to answer increased demand for greater work-life balance as well as a being used by organisations as a method to attract and retain talent. Is your organisation prepared for these key 2018 HR issues? If you are unsure, the following insights may help you create a healthier, happier and more productive workplace.

Key HR Topics 2018

Taking well-being further

According to the Australian government’s business portal, poor mental health is one of the leading causes of absenteeism in Australian workplaces. Improving employees mental well-being is thus vital to the success of organisations and there are a number of important initiatives that support this. This year, there will be a shift in focus to building employees resilience as well as creating a supportive environment for those with mental ill-health.

“We live in an organisational world where nothing is certain and where employees are being asked to do more with less” says Dr Leigh Hodder, Consulting Psychologist from iHR Australia. “Therefore building resilience is a key factor in enabling employees to prioritise, plan and structure their work more effectively” continues Dr Hodder. Resilience enables employees to better deal with the pressures and demands of their role as well as organisational challenges.

As for mental health, 2018 will see increased focus in the organisation around:

  1. Reducing stigma surrounding mental ill health issues through education and training for staff
  2. An organisation’s ability to provide the right support strategies within their workplace through development of workplace mental health policies


Resilience and Mental Ill Health training and development provides employers with the means to support the health and well-being of the workforce. For more information about how your company can address these two significant HR topics, refer to our training programs, Resilience – From Surviving to Thriving and Managing Mental Ill Health.


Fostering the right workplace culture

Recent high profile cases have put the spotlight on the damage a toxic work environment can do to a company’s brand and the need for organisations to address issues in workplace culture, particularly around sexual harassment. As an organisation, it is imperative to undertake the following risk mitigating actions:

  1. A review of workplace behaviour and complaint handling policies and procedures
  2. Staff and management education and training about expected – and appropriate –workplace behaviours through programs such as Custodians of Culture for Managers and Respect in the Workplace for Employees.


Offering flexible work arrangements

Another important HR topic for 2018 will be the ability for businesses to offer flexible working arrangements such as working remotely or varied office hours.

Recognising the reality of dispersed workforces and being able to adapt is essential to attracting – and retaining – great talent.

The biggest challenge in adopting this trend for many organisations will be in determining how to balance these arrangements with the nature of the business, as well as ensure any agreements are in line with the Fair Work Act.

We hope you found our insights into the three key HR topics for 2018 useful. If you’d like some assistance to identify where gaps may lie in these areas in your business, please contact us. We have many years of experience providing a wide range of human resource and workplace relations services to some of Australia’s best known brands and we would love to help you with your unique needs.

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