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Considering the impact of proposed workplace bullying reforms
As Federal politicians consider reforms to Australia’s workplace bullying laws, Victoria’s workplace safety authority WorkSafe has revealed that over 6000 people contacted them about bullying, but only 5% of these…
Survey shows business still values training in tough economic times
A recent survey by iHR Australia, Australia’s leading provider of integrated human resources solutions, shows that business undertakes a significant spend on employee training but is seeking better value for…
Keeping mum: are working mothers jumping ship or being pushed?
Working mothers are prominent among those discriminated against in Australian workplaces, according to recent statistics. Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick says pregnancy and return-to-work discrimination represents about 20 percent of…
Bullying or performance management? The finest of lines
In many cases around workplace bullying a common thread is apparent– that there is a fine, difficult to distinguish line between performance management and bullying. What might seem reasonable and…
Bullying and the Workplace FAQs
1. What is workplace bullying? Each State and Territory has its own definition or legislation regarding workplace bullying. When proven, workplace bullying constitutes a breach of the relevant State Workplace…
Creative differences: Ad exec awarded $300k in damages
Creative differences: Ad exec awarded $300k in damages A very public two-and-a-half-year stoush involving a prominent Australian advertising agency drew to a close this week, with the aggrieved executive creative…
Opposition’s IR Policy: Summary and Reaction
Opposition’s Leader Tony Abbott’s industrial relations policy was released last week, key points from the policy include; Restrict union right of entry into workplaces. Create a Registered Organisations Commission to…
“Leaning In” – should talented women press their claims at work more strongly?
“Leaning In” – should talented women press their claims at work more strongly? The statistics for female representation at the top levels of corporate Australia reveal interesting anomalies. While women…
For whom the Bell tolls: is the Bell Curve an appropriate way to rank team performance?
For whom the Bell tolls: is “stack ranking” or the Bell Curve useful to measure performance? Performance review time is often a stressful one, for those doing the assessing as…