By Stephen Bell, Founding Director, and Paula Bruce, Senior Workplace Relations Adviser.   In light of recent events in our Australian Courts, it’s a timely reminder that organisations ensure they have a well-designed and robust discrimination, harassment and bullying complaints handling system in place.   This system must be both accessible and provide all parties the opportunity for natural justice.   Having a good complaint’s handing system that is accessible can add a human element when challenging incidents occur between people at work. Employers can offer procedural fairness in what are often messy circumstances and provide appropriate levels of confidentiality….


By Stephen Bell, Founding Director, and Paula Bruce, Senior Workplace Relations Adviser.


In light of recent events in our Australian Courts, it’s a timely reminder that organisations ensure they have a well-designed and robust discrimination, harassment and bullying complaints handling system in place.


This system must be both accessible and provide all parties the opportunity for natural justice.


Having a good complaint’s handing system that is accessible can add a human element when challenging incidents occur between people at work. Employers can offer procedural fairness in what are often messy circumstances and provide appropriate levels of confidentiality. They can support the party’s personal sense of security. Good complaints handling systems, including with options for early intervention, can help shape an organisation’s reputation.


There are options available by which employees may deal with complaints. A well-designed system will aim to protect the rights of both the complainants and respondents. According to iHR Australia’s Managing Director an organisation risks brand damage and financial penalties when its complaints handling process is ‘inadequate either in design or application’.


Here are a few articles we’ve written in the last year on the topic:


We can offer support to those organisations that need to create or review an existing system.

Learn more about our complaints handling services


Additionally, in the next few weeks we’re offering face to face public training in Sydney and Melbourne for:


Or you can request a custom training program specific to your organisation.

If you’re not sure where to start, contact us.

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