
The leaders workshop emphasises that all managers and employees need to understand their role in contributing to a workplace culture free from sexual harassment. The workshop reinforces the role of organisational culture and leadership practices in preventing and handling incidents of sexual harassment and provides leaders with strategies for managing key support and resolution processes.

Using our signature Workplace Reality Theatre training method, and drawing on industry and sector specific evidence, participants are provided an opportunity to deepen their insight into how people experience sexual harassment in the workplace and analyse and apply leadership strategies to prevent and appropriately respond to workplace sexual harassment.

About this program

Designed for

Managers, supervisors and team leaders


Face to face, Virtual. 


3 hour session

Maximum participants


Course content

  • The relationship between workplace culture and sexual harassment.
  • The definition of workplace sexual harassment and how it is experienced in the workplace.
  • Evolving obligations, organisational responses and manager and employee responsibilities.
  • Response strategies including self-management, bystander, informal and formal resolution strategies.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the importance of workplace culture and effective leadership practices in preventing and responding to incidents of workplace sexual harassment.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of how people experience sexual harassment in the workplace and the intersectional relationship with discrimination, bullying and other forms of harassment.
  • Identify the responsibilities of senior leaders, managers and employees in preventing, reporting and responding appropriately to sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Determine the leadership responses to reduce the risk of harm and actively monitor workplace culture, including the link to broader organisational strategies such as gender equity, diversity and inclusion and developing a feedback culture.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the different support and resolution options available (self-management, bystander, informal and formal resolution strategies) in handling sexual harassment complaints and the consequences of not handling a complaint appropriately.
  • Understand the application of legal principles such as procedural fairness in the complaint process, and the rights and responsibilities of all parties in preventing and responding to sexual harassment.

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