Mental health 3

This program is designed to increase awareness of mental health issues and increases participants awareness on identifying symptoms, the triggers and how to best direct people to qualified support networks. Our Psychologist provides participants an understanding of mental ill health, what to look for in themselves and their colleagues, impacts on performance or conduct and their individual rights and obligations.

Using our signature Workplace Reality Theatre training methodology, participants are provided tools and strategies to escalate issues with their manager or HR Business Partner, and techniques to enhance their resilience levels.

About this program

Designed for

General employees and contractors


Face to face, Virtual. 


2 hour session

Maximum participants


Course content

  • Differences between mental health and mental ill health.
  • Obligations of all parties in managing mental health in the workplace.
  • Workplace assistance and confidentiality.
  • Supporting yourself and others when responding to mental ill health.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify and discuss the differences between mental health and mental ill health, mental health statistics for Australia and our mental health industry framework.
  • Identify common indicators of mental ill health and how these might impact on performance or conduct.
  • Understand the legal and ethical responsibilities of the employer and the employee.
  • Understand privacy, confidentiality and qualified privilege requirements.
  • Identify key resources and strategies that my employer can offer to support me to meet the inherent requirements of my role, for a period of time.
  • Identify key resources and strategies that you can implement on behalf of yourself or another employee.
  • Prepare to have a confidential disclosure conversation with a manager.
  • Establish a basic understanding of resilience and how this relates to mental health.

Or register for an upcoming public session

There are currently no scheduled training programs. Please check back soon or give us a call to discuss some options.