The Herald Sun recently ran an article that highlighted some of the questions, issues and concerns that have resulted from the uncertainty surrounding the global pandemic. The reality is that the impacts of COVID is unchartered territory for all of us! As an organisation, we acknowledge there are challenges. One of the best ways to face these challenges head on and to thrive in this environment is to prepare your organisation to be resilient and flexible. In response to this need, we have created a valuable new program – Resilient Leadership in the Post COVID-19 Era. Provide your managers with…


The Herald Sun recently ran an article that highlighted some of the questions, issues and concerns that have resulted from the uncertainty surrounding the global pandemic. The reality is that the impacts of COVID is unchartered territory for all of us!

As an organisation, we acknowledge there are challenges. One of the best ways to face these challenges head on and to thrive in this environment is to prepare your organisation to be resilient and flexible.

In response to this need, we have created a valuable new programResilient Leadership in the Post COVID-19 Era.

Provide your managers with the tools and training so they are able to provide the right support, leadership and guidance to staff, particularly during and after this challenging period. The payoff will be a strong, high performing, resilient team.

This virtual program has been designed to help managers understand how they can help their teams to:

  • Feel more confident and robust when experiencing rapidly changing environments
  • Achieve a better work/life balance in the remote working environment
  • Communicate more effectively in remote environments (e.g. zoom, phone)
  • Understand the emerging risks that the last 12 months / COVID / remote working have posed for staff wellbeing

Click here to discover all the benefits of this new program.

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