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Previous Poll Analysis

From your own observations, what form of discrimination is most prevalent in Australian Workplaces?

A) Age 35%

B) Gender 26%

C) Race 14%

D) Disability/Health Condition 24%

E) Sexual Orientation 1%

F) Other


According to poll respondents, Age attracts the highest degree of discrimination in Australian workplaces. While this could refer to any age group, including an aging workforce or younger, millennial workforce, this result does add further insight into one of our previous polls.

In August, respondents strongly felt that employers should be permitted to freely discuss options that may assist an employee over 65 with their transition into retirement, and indicated that The Age Discrimination Act, 2004 may be too restrictive.

On managing changing capabilities, John Boardman, Director Workplace Relations at iHR Australia stressed, “An employer would be in breach of the ADA if they were to change an employee’s role based on the employee’s age and not their performance. Consistent with any other member of an organisation, managers should be performance managing staff to establish that they either are or aren’t performing to the standard required.”

Gender Discrimination attracted the second highest response (26%). That Gender came in second behind Age, despite gender inequality being topical, both in terms of the gender pay gap and women in leadership roles, is particularly interesting.

Discrimination against those that have a Disability or Health Condition is still prevalent with a 24% response. Also, Racial Discrimination (14%).

The lowest response was Sexual Orientation at only 1%, indicating that workplaces have become much more inclusive and less discriminatory towards LGBTQI employees and job candidates.

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