
Previous Poll Analysis

Last week, we asked respondents:

If an employee has mental health issues resulting from personal circumstances, what level of support should be provided by the manager?

The results were as follows.

None, as the issue is unrelated to the workplace – 0%

Some, such as providing emotional support – 11%

Comprehensive, taking all actions possible to help the employee – 76%

Other – 13%

76% of the answers agreed that a manager should provide comprehensive support, which included actions such as referring the issue to HR, contacting EAP for assistance and adjusting work conditions where possible.

This response supports iHR Australia’s view that is important for managers to take action, as they have a duty of care to look after their employee and provide the best means possible to support them.

13% answered ‘Other’ with suggestions that included ensuring the manager considers the factors involved; and also speaking with the employee to further understand their needs regarding the situation. Some mentioned that a mixture between 2 and 3 would be most appropriate, noting that acknowledgement of the employee’s confidentiality is important.

Interestingly, no one selected ‘No Support’, despite the issue being unrelated to the workplace. This suggests that all of the respondents agree with some level of care required regardless of the cause, demonstrating a degree of empathy for employees even when it is believed to be not officially be their professional responsibility.

Managers and employees can learn more about effectively managing mental health issues through iHR Australia’s Mental Health and Well Being Training programs, which are available both face-to-face and via eLearning.

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