Leadership is a key to staff retention. Two thirds of Australian employers have seen an increase in staff turnover in the last three years (Business Insider, 2018). Employees leaving their role can be linked to a sense of purpose in the workplace. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a manager or supervisor if their team has a high turnover rate. On one hand, managers need to drive their team to achieve results. On the other hand, they need to provide employees with a sense of future and purpose. Without this, managers will lose their people. Low retention figures, disengagement and…

Leadership is a key to staff retention. Two thirds of Australian employers have seen an increase in staff turnover in the last three years (Business Insider, 2018). Employees leaving their role can be linked to a sense of purpose in the workplace. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a manager or supervisor if their team has a high turnover rate.

On one hand, managers need to drive their team to achieve results. On the other hand, they need to provide employees with a sense of future and purpose. Without this, managers will lose their people.

Low retention figures, disengagement and constant conflict have been identified by iHR Australia as reasons why managers have to do more than just organise labour and workflow.

iHR Australia’s Stepping Up – Frontline Managers Program ensures inexperienced managers understand that they have to be an effective leader, not just a supervisor.

The Stepping Up course is designed to train Managers in not only WHATtheir role is, but also HOW it needs to be done if they want to develop an engaged and motivated team. It also aims to build self-awareness in the participants, as to what their personal strengths are, and identify the opportunities they can work on and improve.

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