Contact Officer Featured Image

To review the role and responsibilities of a contact officer and the skills to be an effective contact officer.

In this half day program, iHR Australia’s facilitator and professional actors using our unique Workplace Reality Theatre will share skills, knowledge and behaviours to help participants develop effective techniques for solving a variety of common issues they may face in the workplace.

About this program

Designed for

For existing contact officers


Face to face, Virtual. 


Half day session

Maximum participants


Course content

  • Function and jurisdiction of the contact officer.
  • ‘You the person’ and being a contact officer.
  • In-depth review of what constitutes discrimination, bullying and harassment in the workplace.
  • Objectively handling issues face to face.
  • Case studies and strategies.

Learning outcomes

At the conclusion of this workshop participants should:

  • Understand the role of contact officer within their organisation as part of the prevention, response and monitoring framework.
  • Understand the behaviour expected and issues experienced of a contact officer on a daily basis.
  • Understand the processes for dealing with allegations of bullying or discrimination in the workplace.
  • Understand the federal and state legislation relating to unlawful discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment and how it impacts on the company, employees and the role of the contact officer.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of how to provide information to employees to help them make decisions on how best to resolve their concerns, including assessing their options and using appropriate supports.

How to schedule  workplace training

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Discuss your inhouse training needs

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Request one on one coaching or mentoring

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Or register for an upcoming public session

There are currently no scheduled training programs. Please check back soon or give us a call to discuss some options.