How can you assist two people who are in conflict with each other to reach agreement about working civilly and productively together, especially when one or both of them may be in the 80% of Australians who are conflict avoidant?

Workplace conflict that is ignored or poorly managed will typically impact negatively on those individuals involved, team dynamics and overall productivity. People who are involved in unresolved conflict will often:

  1. Just stop interacting with each other directly.
  2. Try to garner support from other team members for their side of the conflict, leading to a team split.
  3. Leave the organisation to get away from the conflict.
  4. Be at risk of developing mental ill health.

iHR Australia’s Workplace Mediation Skills Program provides HR Practitioners and Managers with the skills, strategies and processes needed to conduct a successful mediation session, resulting in a written agreement between two employees. Through this program, you will become confident with and learn tips about facilitating the mediation process from an experienced independent workplace mediator. This practical program will provide you with real opportunities to practice these skills and reflect on your practice.

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